
Interview med Charlotte Gneuss om GITTERSEE

Charlotte Gneuss om inspirationen bag hendes debutroman GITTERSEE.

What inspired you to write Gittersee?

To be honest, I never know where my ideas comes from. In the beginning of „Gittersee“ I had three sentences: „We weren sixteen. But just two Boys. David and Thorsten.“  I thought that could be funny. And intriguing. I followed the sentences, and a story came up. Writing „Gittersee“ was exciting alltogether. I never knew what would happen next. But of course I have knowlegde about the time and the place I wrote about. My family originates from a place near Gittersee and they passed on numerous stories about their experiences. I also conducted interviews with contemporary witnesses and did substantial research.

What is it in human nature (in Karins nature/Character) that leads her to spy on her own family?

Does she?  As far as I know she is spying on her friends. But it’s the same transgression. A transgression I guess many of us might commit. We are all tempted by intrigue and secrets. Most of us love talking about others. Many of us don’t talk nice about ourselves behind our backs. Many do out of feelings of exclusion or jealousy, or as an attempt to boost their self-importance. The German democratic republic capitalized on that bad habbit. The young state feared attacks from anywhere, any time. As a young country living in the constant fear of attacks,  kept its inhabitants under close watch, monitoring them for its own protection. Karin believes she can help her state by spying on her friends, but her motivations are also personal. Because she feels excluded, alienated. Because she yearns to be important. Because she is jealous. And because she likes her guidance officer a bit too much.

How was the reaction when it was published I Germany?

The newspapers coverage was great, even the TV reported about the book. The text also won awards and was nominated for the German Book Prize. This was beyond my expectations and and I was overjoyed.Unfortunately the happiness didn’t last long. Some colleagues apparently tried to prevent the text from winning the prize. I found out about it through the press. It became a major debate here in Germany.

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